

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Blog analysis

 This week my main focus was doing a Blog analysis, A blog analysis is a graph the shows how much amount of work you've done each month, if you click on the post it will tell you a bit more about what a blog analysis is,

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Suzanne Aurbert Ten Facts

This is a DLO I did of Suzanne Aubert and We Did Ten facts about her, If you want to see ten facts about Suzanne Aurbert My DLO is right there.



This is a google drawing I did, its a definition of venerable,

Friday, 11 September 2020

Weekly Reflection

 This week was kind of weird, it felt like a short week and we barley did any work,

We did social justice week and we learnt how to make poems and what kind of poems there are.

This week was fun because we got to watch Mulan with farther Larry and we blacked out the class room, 

Something I need to work on is doing work on Basic facts, like getting a faster time. 

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Spoken words


This is my slide to the spoken word work we have done. Spoken word was where we watched life changing videos and we had to learn about the poetry side of it, the video I used was Ngā Hinepūkōrero It was a video of three Maori girls talking about the past and how their ancestors were beaten for speaking their native languages it was very inspiring and I am very grateful for being here today.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Weekly reflection

  What did I enjoy this week? This week I enjoyed my time with Ms Hall, she taught us about how to use different sentences.

What is one success I had this week? I have achieved my fastest time in basic facts this week, which was 2:20

What is something i found challenging this week? I found doing the travailing work hard I am satisfied with it now but it took a long time.

What have i learned? I have learned how to put my work into a piktochart which I used as my brochure.

Something i am looking forward to next week. I am looking forward to a normal week with nothing to worry about.

Tokyo Brochure

