

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

my self report

Student report comment.

Reading:In my reading i am proud of my handwriting because I have improved a lot.

Math:In my math i have improved on my blue book work,I did all of my blue book work.

Sports: What I am good at in sports is netball,im good at defense.

Re:What I am good at in Re is learning about God every time we do Re.

Reading hard:what I find hard in reading is study-ladder because every time you answer a questions you get harder question. 

Math hard: What I find hard in math is eako because I get really confused,

Sports hard: What I find hard in sports is touch because sometimes I don't   know where the goal is.

Re hard: What i find hard in Re is the holy strand because I get confused.

Sports:my favorite thing in school is sports because it helps you get fit.

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