

Thursday, 20 February 2020

A letter to get to know me more

Kia Ora

My name is Manaia. I was born in Kaitaia, New Zealand. My birthday is May the 9th 2008. My nationality is part Maori, German and Irish. I have six siblings, Tyrese, Dyce, Aroha, Beau, Tewai, Vera and Ortea. I am the second oldest, Tyrese is 15, Dyce is 10, Aroha is  8, Beau is 7, Tewai is 1, Vera is 3 and Ortea is 8. My parents are Shannon and Paddy.

This is my final year at Pompallier and next year im going to Abundant life or Kaitaia College. Next year which ever school I go to I want to study hard so I can get into University and get a degree for Teaching.

This year I really want to be House Captain because it is my last year and I love showing Leadership to younger students at Pompallier. I enjoy maths and literacy because it is challenging  and I love a good challenge. My most favourite subject is maths because  I use different strategies to work out the answer.

I hope this year is going to be MY best year yet at Pompallier.

Kind regards:

1 comment:

  1. Well done Manaia, you have written this letter beautifully and have used the correct structure. Thank you for sharing a bit more about yourself with me.


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